India has just released its official consumption expenditure data for 2022-23, providing the first official survey-based poverty estimates for India in over ten years.
March 2, 2024She will also meet with other senior Indian government officials, the US Department of Homeland Security told ANI.
February 27, 2024The last homeland security dialogue took place in January 2022.
February 26, 2024Moreover, US President Biden also imposed new export restrictions on nearly 100 entities for providing backdoor support for Russia's war machine.
February 24, 2024This marks the first American soft landing on the lunar surface since the Apollo era in 1972.
February 23, 2024The Cancer Screening Research Network will investigate on how to identify cancers earlier, when they may be easier to treat.
February 22, 2024Earlier on Wednesday, the US Department of State spokesperson Matthew Miller on Wednesday called for an investigation of rigging allegations in the Pakistan general results held on February 8.
February 16, 2024The statement comes amid a sudden increase in attacks and deaths of Indians and Indian-Americans in the United States.
February 16, 2024To be eligible for naturalisation (awarding of US citizenship), an applicant must fulfil certain eligibility requirements set forth in the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA).
February 12, 2024Alipov also called for urgent reforms of the United Nations and agencies under it while making a strong case for the inclusion of India as a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
February 11, 2024Advertisement