SS-UBT MP and Chief Spokesperson Sanjay Raut said the Speaker is presently deciding on the sensitive case of disqualification of 16 Shiv Sena MLAs, including Shinde.
January 8, 2024Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut has asserted that their party is the biggest in Maharashtra, hinting at no compromise over seat-sharing talks.
December 29, 2023Speaking further on seat sharing in the INDIA alliance, Shiv Sena (UBT) MP Sanjay Raut said, "This is Maharashtra and Shiv Sena is the biggest party here."
December 29, 2023Taking a dig at the Centre, the Saamana editorial welcomed the dawning of better sense and wisdom, though belatedly.
December 26, 2023In a post on X, Chaturvedi said, "Such arrogance and silly assertions. Instead of looking at the problem as a serious security breach there is a an attempt to somehow dump the blame on the opposition."
December 14, 2023Advertisement