Earlier, Prime Minister Modi last week alleged Congress wants to take away the gold and property of people and distribute it among "those having more children".
April 24, 2024Prime Minister said that the mantra of the Congress is "Loot zindagi ke sath bhi zindagi ke baad bhi" (Loot, during the lifetime and afterwards).
April 24, 2024He said that ensuring social justice to the 90 percent of Indians who are at the bottom of the pyramid is his life mission and there is compromise on it.
April 24, 2024Earlier, emphasizing the need for policy toward wealth redistribution, Pitroda spoke about on the concept of inheritance tax prevailing in America and said these are issued that will need to be discussed.
April 24, 2024After the comments snowballed into a controversy Pitroda sought to downplay the issue saying he had only cited inheritance tax in the US as an example.
April 24, 2024Earlier, emphasizing the need for policy toward wealth redistribution, Pitroda elaborated on the concept of inheritance tax prevailing in America.
April 24, 2024BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonwala also criticised the Congress saying that the party wanted to grab hard earned resources of the people.
April 24, 2024Pitroda also said that the subject of wealth distribution is strictly a 'policy issue' and he feels concerned about Prime Minister Modi after his remarks on Congress manifesto.
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