The trailer sees Jitendra Kumar, Neena Gupta, Raghubir Yadav, Faisal Malik, Chandan Roy, and Sanvikaa get embroiled in matters of the heart and politics. Jeetu's Abhishek gets closer to village Pradhan's daughter Rinki.
May 15, 2024Taking to Instagram stories, Ananya shared a glimpse of her vanity van with "BAE" written on it.
May 7, 2024The film is set against the backdrop of 1942’s Quit India Movement, the movie is inspired by real events and chronicles a pivotal chapter from India’s pursuit for Independence.
March 4, 2024In the video, shared by Prime Video on Instagram, Alia is seen in a state of shock, as she comes across a loaded rifle, bullet casings, and the silhouette of a lifeless body.
February 12, 2024'Love Storiyaan' is inspired by real-life stories featured on India Love Project, a social media community.
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