PM Modi further took a jibe at Akhilesh Yadav and Rahul Gandhi saying that "film starring two princes is going on in UP which has already been rejected".
April 19, 2024CM Vijayan also questioned the secular credentials of the Congress, adding that the party is "degenerating into BJP's B team".
April 18, 2024PM Modi also shared his pictures of watching the LIVE streaming of the mesmerising event, while onboard, returning from a public rally in Assam’s Nalbari.
April 17, 2024The new ticket refund scheme will ensure refunds within 24 hours and will replace the current three days to one-week refund process.
April 17, 2024The announcement came as US President Joe Biden met with Prime Minister Narendra Modi on September 8 in New Delhi ahead of the G20 Leaders' Summit.
April 17, 2024PM Modi further remembered and paid homage to the devotees and saints who dedicated their lives to the construction of the Ram Temple.
April 17, 2024The National People's Party (NPP) is contesting both parliamentary seats in Shillong and Tura.
April 17, 2024Congress and RJD have questioned the timing of implementation of Citizenship Amendment Act whose rules were notified last month.
April 16, 2024Rahul Gandhi further mentioned that Prime Minister's goal is to distract people from real issues.
April 16, 2024The Supreme Court in February this year struck down the electoral bond scheme and said it was unconstitutional.
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