On Tuesday, Kiara Advani celebrated her parents’ wedding anniversary with a heartfelt Instagram post, sharing a collection of family photos that offered a glimpse into her personal life. The actress marked the occasion by posting a series of images that included not just her parents but also her husband, Sidharth Malhotra. The Instagram album began...
August 21, 2024Kiara Advani has captivated millions of hearts not only through her performance but also her fashion statement.
June 14, 2024'All We Imagine As Light' premiered at the 2024 Cannes Film Festival in its much-feted 'competition section' on May 23.
May 26, 2024Kiara took to Instagram on Sunday morning and shared a motley of pictures from her hotel room.
May 19, 2024Sidharth on Monday treated fans with a look from pre-wedding celebrations featuring himself and his wife Kiara.
March 4, 2024SRK has played the titular character in the first two instalments of the film which released in a difference of 5 years.
February 20, 2024Taking to Instagram, Rohit, who is known for his work in ‘Viraasat’, ‘Kkusum’, shared a happy selfie, wherein he is sitting beside Varun and Kiara in a flight.
February 10, 2024Gracing the couch with their good-looks and spilling the beans on their respective marriages, proposals and more, this episode is all things entertaining, cute and full of laughter and warmth.
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