Amid polling for Phase 4 of the Lok Sabha elections on Monday, migrant Kashmir voters were pictured queuing up outside a special polling booth in Jammu's Barnai village to cast their votes for the Srinagar Lok Sabha constituency.
May 13, 2024The PoJK government deployed Rangers and police following clashes between law enforcement and demonstrators in Mirpur.
May 13, 2024However, while not naming the administration in the UT, he alleged that there were people derailing and placing obstacles in the democratic processes.
May 13, 2024However, there was no official word if the terrorists engaging in a firefight with the forces were the ones behind the Poonch attack.
May 7, 2024According to the officials, the search operation was carried out to track the terrorists. Security forces have laid down nakas and checking is going on in the area.
May 5, 2024During the inspection, the CEO reviewed the facilities and arrangements at the counting centre and the strong room to guarantee a smooth and transparent counting process.
May 3, 2024With the historic passage of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Act, 2019 by the Parliament, Article 370 ceased to exist.
May 2, 2024Authorities have asked all field staff associated with emergencies like floods and inundation to be present at their places of duty.
April 28, 2024These families are now living under the open sky after taking their household goods and livestock out of the inhabitable residences.
April 27, 2024Security forces were seen conducting random checks of vehicles and frisking of people following the incident.
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