According to Bijapur police, a search operation was launched in the area following the exchange of fire.
December 11, 2024During a search operation on October 19 carried out in jointly by ITBP and Narayanpur police, Naxals attacked the ITBP Patrolling team and carried out a major IED blast.
October 20, 2024The killed jawans have been identified as Constable Bharat Sahu, a resident of Raipur, and Constable Satyer Singh Kange, a resident of Narayanpur.
July 18, 2024Further, the Karnataka Home Minister lauded the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and state police for doing a good job and said he is proud of their work.
April 13, 2024Balochistan Chief Minister Mir Ali Mardan Domki, Home Minister Mir Zubair Ahmed Jamali strongly condemned the incident
January 14, 2024Local Palestinian Arabic media reported that there was response to the Israeli aggression and that an IED explosion destroyed an Israel military vehicle.
January 7, 2024The police have cordoned off the area following the explosion, and an investigation is underway.
December 5, 2023Earlier on November 27, suspected Naxals set on fire at least 14 vehicles and machines engaged in construction works in Chhattisgarh's Dantewada district,
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