Tamil Nadu Chief Minister MK Stalin expressed his government’s firm support for the victim of the alleged sexual assault case at Anna University, emphasizing that the accused was swiftly arrested following the incident. Stalin reiterated the government’s commitment to securing justice for the victim during a speech in the Tamil Nadu assembly during the winter session.
Stalin addressed the issue, saying, “While members here have mentioned the name of a university, I choose not to name it, as I don’t want to tarnish its reputation. That institution has contributed significantly to society. With that sentiment in mind, I refrain from mentioning its name. No one can condone what happened to a student in Chennai. Sexual assault is a heinous crime. Members of this legislature have spoken out about it, and except for one, all have done so with genuine concern. One member, however, spoke to undermine this government.”
He criticized the opposition for politicizing the incident and focused on the actions taken by his government. “Our sole intention is to stand by the victim and ensure justice is served through legal means. If the accused had not been arrested swiftly or if they had been protected, the government would have been blamed. However, the fact that the accused was arrested quickly and evidence was collected shows our commitment. Yet, the opposition continues to politicize the matter for short-term political gain,” Stalin remarked.
He further challenged the opposition, saying, “If you have any evidence, provide it to the SIT currently investigating the case. Don’t engage in cheap tactics for fleeting political advantages.”
Stalin reaffirmed his government’s dedication to ensuring women’s safety and rejected attempts to generalize the incident as evidence that women are unsafe. “This government is resolute in its fight against crimes targeting women. Some are trying to use this single incident to suggest that women are unsafe. This narrative will not resonate with the people,” he added.
The opposition parties have criticized the DMK-led government, alleging that it has been slow to address the Anna University sexual assault case. In December, a second-year student at Anna University claimed she was sexually assaulted on campus by an unidentified man while conversing with a friend. The Chennai police confirmed that one individual had been arrested in connection with the incident.