Former Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh said on Friday that his son, Karan Bhushan Singh, running as the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) candidate in the upcoming elections for the Kaisergang Lok Sabha seat, has garnered significant support from both the constituency and nearby districts.
Singh further emphasized the “immense public support” his son has received as the BJP candidate.
The BJP on Thursday named Karan Bhushan Singh as its candidate from the Kaiserganj parliamentary seat in Uttar Pradesh, replacing his father and incumbent MP Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh.
“We have received immense support from people in Ayodhya, Gorakhpur, Varanasi, and Basti who have gathered here. We will all leave for the nomination filing soon,” Brij Bhushan told ANI.
BJP’s Karan Bhushan Singh will file the nomination today. In the morning, he was seen playing badminton in Gonda.
Karan Bhushan is pitted against Samajwadi Party (SP)’s Bhagat Ram Mishra.
The SP is contesting the seat in alliance with Congress on a 63:17 formula.
The Kaiserganj constituency is currently held by the BJP’s Brij Bhushan Singh, who is a three-time MP from the seat. However, he has not been given a ticket this time. The seat had become a point of concern for the BJP after Brij Bhushan was accused of sexual harassment of female wrestlers.
Ace Indian wrestler and Olympic medalist Sakshi Malik criticized the BJP on Thursday for giving a ticket for the Lok Sabha elections to former WFI chief Brij Bhushan Shahran Singh’s son, Karan, from the Kaiserganj seat in Uttar Pradesh.
Taking to social media platform, X, Malik said that the decision of the ruling party to field Brij Bhushan’s son has defeated the daughters of the country.
“We all put our careers at stake and slept on the streets for many days in the sun and rain. To date, Brij Bhushan has not been arrested. We were not demanding anything; we were only demanding justice,” she said in a post in Hindi.
Kaiserganj will vote on May 20 in the fifth phase of the Lok Sabha elections. In the 2019 election, Brij Bhushan defeated BSP’s Chandradev Ram Yadav by a margin of over 2.5 lakh votes.”