Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has filed a petition in the Supreme Court seeking an extension on medical grounds of his interim bail by seven days in connection with the alleged liquor policy, the Aam Aadmi Party said on Monday.
Kejriwal was released from Delhi’s Tihar Jail on May 10, 50 days after he was jailed on corruption charges linked to the alleged liquor policy scam and hours after the Supreme Court granted him bail until June 1.
According to the party, the Delhi Chief Minister has lost 7 kilograms weight after his arrest and his ketone level is high which could signal some serious disease.
The party further informed that the doctors had advised the AAP convenor to undergo a Positron Emission Tomography and Computed Tomography (PET-CT) scan and some other medical tests due to which Kejriwal has sought the extension of his interim bail.
After being released from jail, Kejriwal has been involved in campaigning for the INDIA bloc for the ongoing Lok Sabha polls.
Kejriwal was arrested by the Directorate of Enforcement in an excise policy case on March 21, days after the election schedule for the general elections was announced.
The bail is applicable till June 1 and Kejriwal has to surrender to authorities on June 2. He participate in the poll campaigning but can not attend his office as Chief Minister.
Imposing certain conditions while granting Kejriwal interim bail, the apex court said he would not interact with any of the witnesses or have access to any official files connected with the case.
He will not “make any comment concerning his role” in the present case, the bench had ordered.
“He shall be bound by the statement made on his behalf that he shall not sign official files unless it is required and necessary for obtaining clearance/ approval of the Lieutenant Governor of Delhi,” the order added.
The 2024 Lok Sabha elections are being held in seven phases, in a six-week marathon running from April 19 to June 1. The counting and results will be announced on June 4.