Hours after a team of Delhi Police Crime Branch officials arrived at the residence of Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal in the national capital on Saturday, Delhi Minister Saurabh Bharadwaj claimed that the Assistant Commissioner of Police was not delivering notice to the Chief Minister’s office “deliberately.”
“This is so embarrassing for Modi Govt. BJP is totally exposed today. Yesterday, all BJP spokespersons alleged CM offfice did not receive police notice. Today, they are exposed. Police ACP deliberately not delivering notice to CM office,” Bharadwaj said in a post on ‘X’.
The Delhi Minister also reposted a video shared by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) party handle in which the police personnel refused to answer questions on why the police had to hand ocer the notice to the Delhi Chief Minister personally and not through his office.
The Delhi Police came to serve notice to the chief minister on Saturday, in connection with the Aam Aadmi Party’s allegations against the Bharatiya Janata Party “of trying to buy AAP MLAs”.
Sources in the CM Kejriwal’s office however claimed that his office is ready to receive the notice but the officials of Delhi Police’s crime branch are not giving him a receiving note for the same. The sources also claimed that the Delhi Police had brought along media teams just to make a spectacle and malign the Chief Minister’s reputation.
Earlier on Friday, apart from Kejriwal, the police officials, seeking evidence, also knocked on the doors of AAP minister Atishi’s residence. However, as per sources, both the AAP leaders were not present at their respective residences.
The Aam Aadmi Party has accused the BJP of trying to topple the elected Delhi government through a campaign dubbed “Operation Lotus 2.0”.
Addressing a press conference, last week, senior AAP leader Atishi claimed that the BJP has approached several AAP MLAs with bribes and threats in a bid to induce defection.
“BJP has started ‘Operation Lotus 2.0’, and is trying to topple the democratically elected AAP government in Delhi. 7 MLAs of the AAP have been contacted by the BJP, and have been told, that Arvind Kejriwal will be arrested soon, after which AAP MLAs will be rifted apart. They are in touch with 21 of our MLAs, using whom they aim to topple the Delhi government. Those 7 MLAs have been offered Rs 25 crores each… Operation Lotus is the tactic used by the BJP to come into power in states, where they are not democratically elected… Maharashtra, Goa, Karnataka, Arunachal Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh are examples,” the AAP leader had said.
“In Delhi, they are going to our MLAs and saying that Kejriwal is going to go to jail and then we will call all the MLAs to ourselves and form the BJP government in Delhi, but I want to say that the Aam Aadmi Party is not afraid. Not a single MLA is afraid,” she added.