5 years ago on Aug 31st, Zee Bollywood embarked on a mission to showcase films that epitomize 101% Shuddh Bollywood, meticulously crafting an unparalleled collection of films catering to the preferences of every Bollywood lover. This year, as the channel turns 5, get ready for a dhamakedar week with their celebratory property “5 Saal Bemisaal,” a five-day extravaganza featuring 101% masaledaar blockbuster entertainers! From 28thAugust to 1stSeptember, viewers can indulge in the magic of iconic Bollywood films, airing every day at 9 PM.
The “5 Saal Bemisaal” line-up is designed to bring the true essence of Bollywood – promising a blend of romance, action, drama, and entertainment and encapsulating the true spirit of Zee Bollywood.
Get ready to be swept off your feet with the exhilarating superhero journey with the showcase of Hrithik Roshan and Priyanka Chopra starrer ‘Krrish’ on 28th Aug, 9pm. On 29th August, relive the magic of first love with the timeless Romantic ‘Maine Pyaar Kiya’. Next is Sunny Deol’s action-packed drama ‘Indian’ on 30th August. This is followed by the inspiring journey of Mahavir Singh Phogat and his daughters in ‘Dangal’ on 31st August where we see them break stereotypes and achieve greatness with their unwavering determination. This exciting week concludes with Shah Rukh Khan’s 101% shuddh drama ‘Koyla’ on 1st September that defies all odds for love and revenge.