The ‘Balika Vadhu’ fame actress Avika Gor has opened up on her new party number ‘Modern Jugni’, saying it has the whole Bollywood heroine vibe, and shared how it revealed a new aspect of herself, showcasing her abilities.
Avika is known for her work in movies like ‘Tezz’, ‘Paathshala’, ’10th Class Diaries’, ‘Popcorn’ and ‘1920: Horrors of the Heart’, among others.
Talking about the song, Avika shared: “I am super excited for Modern Jugni. This is the first time I’m doing a proper dance, Punjabi, kind of a music video. It’s a chance to reveal a new aspect of myself and showcase my abilities.”
“The way they have portrayed me and the dance they’ve choreographed is beyond what I expected. The characterization of the song is so interesting because I did not imagine myself to do all of it. I love Jyoti Nooran’s voice, and I’m a big fan of both sisters,” she shared.
The ‘Sasural Simar Ka’ actress said that people should see this side of her.
“I think they will definitely love this side of me, it’s quite different and fun. It also has the whole Bollywood heroine vibe, after all the serious characters that I’ve pulled off for so many years, I’m happy that I got a chance to do something like this,’ she added.
Sung by Jyoti Nooran, ‘Modern Jugni’ is available on Soul Music Studio Official’s YouTube channel.