Congress MP Gaurav Gogoi has appealed to Prime Minister Narendra Modi to establish a Special Investigation Team (SIT) to probe the recent mine collapse in Assam’s Dima Hasao district. In his letter dated January 6, 2025, Gogoi highlighted the gravity of the incident, where four bodies have been recovered, and five workers remain trapped in a flooded rat-hole mine.
The Congress leader expressed deep concern over the ongoing rescue operations, which have entered their fifth day with no certainty about the miners’ fate. He described the incident as a tragic outcome of unchecked illegal mining in the region.
Gogoi underscored the persistence of illegal rat-hole mining in Assam, despite its ban by the National Green Tribunal (NGT) in 2014, reaffirmed in 2015. He referenced a 2021 report by Justice Brojendra Prasad Katakey, which revealed that such mining operations continue unabated in areas like the Digboi forest division due to poor enforcement, corruption, and lack of accountability.
“The Union government itself acknowledged in 2019 that illegal rat-hole mining persists in Reserve Forests (RFs) and Proposed Reserve Forests (PRFs) in the Digboi Division,” Gogoi wrote.
Gogoi emphasized the recurring fatal accidents and environmental harm caused by illegal mining, citing the complicity of local authorities as a contributing factor. He warned that negligence in addressing these issues would continue to endanger workers’ lives and the environment.
The Congress MP called for the SIT to not only investigate the recent collapse but also address systemic issues, including:
- The failure to enforce the NGT ban.
- The role of local authorities and law enforcement in enabling illegal mining.
- Safety standards and working conditions in mines.
- Mapping and addressing other illegal mining sites across Karbi Anglong, Dima Hasao, and Upper Assam.
- Evaluating the environmental impact and recommending measures to mitigate long-term damage.
Meanwhile, Coal India has deployed a pump to assist in the rescue operation in the 3 Kilo Umrangso area of Dima Hasao district, where the miners remain trapped. Gogoi urged immediate action to prevent further tragedies and ensure justice for the affected workers and their families.